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Severely Handicapped

About the Program

SCOE has a state of the art segregated school site that offers a specialized environment tailored to meet the unique sensory, cognitive, vocational communication, behavioral, and functional life-skill needs of each individual student ages 5-22.  The philosophy of the SH behavioral program is to provide students with a safe and supportive environment that fosters the development of their individual strengths and meet their highly specialized needs with an emphasis on positive behavioral management.  The goals selected for this population are based on the students current functioning level and developed utilizing the California Core Curriculum Content Standards.  The primary focus for this population is developing behavioral supports for students that will allow them to regulate their own behaviors in order to access their educational setting.

Program Goals

  • To develop each student's skills and strengths in order to facilitate optimal independence

  • To provide behavioral and sensory supports that allow students to access their educational setting and show growth and development in all educational areas

  • To create a nurturing environment that enables the students to develop the Core Curriculum Content Standards at their individual level of functioning